Saturday, April 4, 2009


I'll try to explain this movie, but it's not going to be easy. It's a Korean film, and sometimes the Asian films are filled with all kinds of subtle jabs at socialism and other stuff I know nothing about. This taxi-cab driver guy moves into a run down apartment building and gets a room where a grisly murder and fire occurred 30 years earlier. His neighbor is writing a book and using the whole apartment and story as a plot in his book. The new guy falls in love with a 7-11 worker who knows one of his apartment mates. Things get weird because both of them have secrets from their past involving killing people. I'm not sure the whole thing makes sense or maybe it's just too much symbolism. It wasn't an awful movie, it just didn't go anywhere or really finish. The cover is misleading like it's going to be scary, but it's not at all.

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