Thursday, September 24, 2009


This is a kind of homespun (but higher-budget than most) horror film about a bowling alley killer. It must be a really small town because the jocks and the outcasts have a regular competition at a local bowling alley (which NEVER would have happened in my hometown). So the D-bag jocks and their popped collars battle against a tranny, a ghey, a metal guy, and an African-American gentleman. Apparently one of the outcast’s ladies stood up one of the jocks on prom night and the crap talking commences to the point of roid rage. The jocks end up raping the whorey outcast in the bowling alley (in a REALLY uncomfortably long scene which should have been cut down by about 10-15 minutes). The two groups meet again the following night to finish the competition, and then they start getting picked off by a killer who wears a bowling bag as a mask and uses bowling pins to violate and disembowel its victims. It’s a pretty terrible movie and despite using fake phallus-es (or is it phalli?) it’s pretty darn sexually explicit. There’s also buckets of blood and stupid dialog. I had hoped for more camp and less uncomfortable rape scenes.

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