Sunday, June 21, 2009

Bikini Bloodbath

This is one of those movies you know exactly what you’re getting when you look at the cover. Here are the first few scenes (you’ll know what I’m talking about): Movie opens with a girl getting out of bed. She’s apparently supposed to be a teenager since she has “White Liger” posters all over her room. She walks to high school (which looks abandoned) and goes to gym class with other 25 year old whores who have pigtails and squeal, implying they’re in high school. Cut to shower scene where naked girls periodically look in the direction of the camera and wash each other’s backs. I’m sure the film makers took camp to the extreme intentionally since the 25 year old foot ball players roam the halls wearing shirts that literally say “football player” on them. Hilarious. Bam! Then a chef stabs a girl in the woods. Other awesome shirts/signs include “B-Movie Trash”, “Football Coach”, and “Car”. This movie is perfect for bad movie night as long as your guests don’t mind really gratuitous nudity. It’s hilariously awesome. And the best part is... I own the sequel "Bikini Bloodbath Carwash". Wurd.

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