Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

Harry somehow gets invited to participate in the tri-wizard competition, usually played by three players. There are three other more experienced wizards competing against Harry for the honor of being the Champion. All sorts of bad things happen to Harry, including losing his best friend temporarily. The wizards have to compete in three difficult tasks and Harry does exceptionally well in the tasks. One of the wizards ends up dying in Harry’s arms. It’s one of the best in the series. The only CGI issues I had were with the second challenge underwater. It just looked waaaay too fakey for me. It even looked less real than the carriage drawn by unicorns and that’s a difficult feat. Ha ha. There was also a “ball” where a nu-metal band played, which I thought was waaaay out of whack with the rest of the film and unnecessary. And the entrance of the female wizards annoyed the heck out of me with its fakey choreographed stupidity. Otherwise, I thought it was a good film.

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