Sunday, April 12, 2009

Attack Girls’ Swim Team vs. The Undead

Japanese swimming/zombie movie. The movie opens with a girl practicing alone for a swim meet (does that really happen and does it always happen in the dark?) and she feels someone grab her foot. Then she finds all kinds of hair wrapped around her hands and arms. Creepy. The coach ends up dead (complete with spraying blood all over the shower). There’s an announcement on the intercom system saying students need to be vaccinated, but whatever they’re injecting them with is turning them into zombies. Zombie teachers start chopping students up in class so there is blood spraying everywhere and limbs being strewn about (including toes). Apparently, the chlorine in the pool water is the antidote. But only for the students, not the teachers, so they keep on killing. Then one of those “What just happened?” parts ended the movie. The main girl swimmer kills the bad zombie coach by shooting a laser beam out of her… uh… lady parts. Sorry to ruin it for you. And there is random English thrown in, which in itself isn't funny, but when every time these English-speakers talk, they use "r" instead of "l", that's comedic genius (and yes, racism, but mostly comedy). This movie is weird, but not awful, just a little weird in the plot arena.

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