Saturday, April 4, 2009


This kid is in high school and still sucks his thumb. Everyone is trying to help him – his mom, dad, even his orthodontist. The kid fails with girls on his debate team, however on a road trip, they all strip down to their skivvies – I never knew debate team was so awesome. The movie would actually be good if it weren't for Keanu Reaves. Seriously, this guy is the worst actor in the world. He's totally unbelievable in this film. Even Vince Vaugn playing a debate team coach is plausible in this film. He gets fed up with debate team after a bad round and then decides he needs to be off his meds. It's got some pretty stupid dream sequences in this film which are pretty far fetched. The kid starts hooking up with this girl he used to have a crush on. She is now a stoner and gets him high and does things to him while he's wearing a blindfold. She's totally using him for sex so she won't get hurt. And then he thinks his mom is cheating on his dad. Things get weird, but it's a decent movie.

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