Monday, April 6, 2009

The Watchmen

I knew nothing about this book, nor have I read comic books in my past. However, I was still able to follow the plot of this movie. It all made sense. But I’m afraid if I try to explain the plot, some red-bulled-up nerd will write me from his mom’s basement and correct me. I’ll try to dumb it down and cover the generalities. These old super heroes are being hunted by an unknown assailant and have to don their costumes to figure out and fight the new evil super hero. But is he evil? The special effects in the film are great and I could look past most of the CGI in it. It was a long movie, but really didn’t seem that long, which is nice. The action, explosions, and tight body suits kept me interested most of the time. From what I’ve been told, they had to cut a lot of extraneous stuff to make it into a film, but a lot of people were impressed with the amount they DID keep in. That’s an impressive compliment coming from comic book nerds, I think. Go see this movie if you like action films. You might miss some of the back-story, but I wasn’t lost at all.

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