Saturday, April 4, 2009

Lust, Caution

This is an Ang Lee (Brokeback Mountain and Crouching Tiger) film that takes place in Taiwan and Hong Kong back during the Second World War. It’s a really long drawn out film, like Brokeback, but it’s done really well. Some students put on a play to raise money for the resistance, and the actors decide they need to kill someone from the opposing side (if I knew the first thing about history, I would know who the “opposition” is. Ha ha ha ). They use one of the actresses to seduce one of the mob bosses and he falls for her, but she falls for him too. It gets kind of suspenseful and lots of nudity and sex and camera shots with smoke and lighting (like Lee likes to put in his films). It’s a beautiful film, filled with a lot of killing and adultery. You’ll really have to like Lee’s films to watch this one. It’s long if I didn’t mention that three times before…

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