Friday, April 10, 2009

Pinocchio 964

This is a freakshow Japanese “cyberpunk” film. It’s got a very electronic/industrial soundtrack that’s super intense. As I said, it’s Japanese, so it’s really disjunct. It starts off in an insane asylum where a nurse walks in on a threesome gone bad and a doctor is drilling into a patient’s skull in a nearby room. Then a girl sitting on the street with binoculars has a retarded guy with a crazy hair spike fall into her lap and they go off together. The best part is they do subtitles for his jibberish. Then crazy guy starts speaking plain English (or Japanese with English subtitles anyway). Also, the Japanese film makers really like the bathroom scenes. I think this crazy lesbian keeps a female “companion” and a harem of “studs” all named Pinocchio and a different number. This Pinocchio 964 must have escaped, but was he crazy/retarded before he went into her service, or did she screw him crazy? It must be contagious because the girl from the street catches the crazy as well. Apparently, the director is way into vomiting scenes as well, as in the kind that carry on far longer than is comfortable, even for the strongest stomach. No, wait, they might be manufacturing pinocchios for sale to various sex harems. (I told you this was weird.) Ok, they’ve brainwashed him and he regains his memory. Then he runs for like 20 miles and about a half hour of the movie pulling a huge block of metal from a chain around his neck back to the factory where they make crazies (I would guess to get the rest of his brains back).The people don’t help him and he begins punching through people’s chest cavities (like you do). Wow, this movie is weird. Not sure that I would recommend this to people I liked.

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