Saturday, April 4, 2009

Treasure of the Amazon

This movie is touted as the best Indiana Jones rip-off movie ever. I’ve been anxious to see it. The opening of the movie says it takes place in a fictitious place – so I guess the Amazon River that you learned about is completely made up (like heaven). There’s a homemade houseboat type thing with a bunch of people on it and there’s a crazy pilot in a sea plane chasing eagles in his plane, seriously. The travelers are looking for diamonds, but they tell the natives they are looking for gold. There is a random trigger-happy German being paranoid about his own stake in the jungle treasure, and you’re probably supposed to think he’s a bad guy. And there is gratuitous nudity, though these Brazilian women look awfully Caucasian to me. At one point, someone offscreen is throwing handfuls of bugs onto actors. Hilarious. Then there are carnivorous crabs. Don’t bother with this movie. It’s not like Indiana Jones at all.

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