Saturday, April 4, 2009

Wasp Woman

Another black and white old-timey film from the late 50’s. A bee scientist develops a youth serum for putting into jelly. It’s derived from wasps, but he hasn’t tested it on humans. The scientist gets fired from his job and solicits his services at a cosmetics company who is performing poorly due to an aging owner/spokeswoman. He promises to turn her younger in return for a secret laboratory. He injects her almost daily and she starts turning younger. The only side effect is she turns into a killer wasp lady. The costume furry black head she wears is hilarious. She kills various people in the building and eats them. When the scientist that created her hits her with acid, she falls out the window and turns into a pile of wasps (I think – it’s hard to really tell what happened with the poor special effects of the day). Not worth watching, but the receptionist uses this hilariously whore-y and slowed down voice when she answers the phone. Classic. Don’t bother.

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