Sunday, April 12, 2009

It Came… Without Warning (aka Without Warning)

Dad and son go on a hunting trip and are attacked by these little flying discs with tentacles (yes, without warning). Then some kids are going on a camping trip and stop for supplies and gas and run into a VERY young Jack Palance. Then the flying discs get a boy scout leader who’s taking some kids on a camping trip. The camping trip kids get split up and one couple turns up missing. The other two stumble across their bodies hanging in a shed. They run to a nearby bar and there’s crazy war veterans in there making everyone paranoid about monsters in the night. Lots of pointless running in the dark ensues. Well, there does end up being an alien at the end throwing these flying discs that attach to people’s bodies. But Jack Palance has some girl blow the alien up along with old Jack. It’s a pretty dull movie. Yeah, I said dull.

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